Makerspace in Portland, ME | Woodshop, Metalshop, & More | Factory 3
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Want to visit our makerspace?


Factory 3’s mission is to create a space that empowers makers to realize their full potential by removing as many barriers as possible.

“I started Factory 3 because I felt that it would be a catalyst for explosive growth in Portland’s creative economy. Having visited makerspaces across the country, I have seen firsthand what happens when people of different backgrounds work together in an environment that is intentionally setup to remove as many barriers as possible to creative growth.

There should be no judgment. The space should be spotless. Tools should be easy to find. Help should be easy to locate when needed. If you want to improve yourself as a maker or business owner, Factory 3 is open for membership.”

– Patrick Walker Russell


“Factory 3 has everything I need for my biggest project yet.”

Barry miller  |  Factory 3 member


Why the name “Factory 3”?

We are called Factory 3 because we are a factory of the third industrial revolution – the maker movement. Access to manufacturing has been democratized and the potential is nearly limitless. Anyone with a good idea, and the willingness to work hard, can be a part of it.

By offering a workspace with tools, studios, classes, and a supportive community of other makers, Factory 3 helps unlock the amazing creative abilities within all of us.


Join our tight community of artists, artisans, makers, entrepreneurs, thinkers, dreamers, experts, and beginners.


Looking for a space to create?


Explore our classes…


Any questions?