Deep Listening Class in Portland, Maine
Length: 2-1/2 hours
Class Fee: $40
Deep Listening® is a practice that sparks creative work and widens sensory experience through the ears. Billy will introduce you to the practice through group and inner-self cave-diving in Dreams, Sound and Movement. We’ll compare involuntary hearing to listening with purpose. The class may involve bodywork, “sonic meditations”, interactive games, and listening to the everyday sounds of Factory 3, Dougherty Field, inner voices and thoughts, and the imagination in dreams and waking life. The aim is to enhance your awareness of sound, your collaborative and improvisational muscles, engage your sense of humor, and wield other tools vital to inner and group intimacy.
About the instructor:
Billy Dickie (aka Billy Halibut), a writer, visual artist, performer and improviser, received his Deep Listening® Certificate in 2015. Playing with words, catching and playing with conversations and dreams, imaginings and connections, associations and tangential meanings have long been his deepest joy. Deep Listening® helped him learn to meditate, to slow down, to be present, and much more. He has a deep fascination with the little things: the sound of hail on a window, the meter in the manner someone phrases a request, the details of dreams and imagined realities, and the symphony that these things gather into. He thinks of Deep Listening® as a radical way of interacting and reacting to your environment, a way to find freedom.